The elites of Mahishadal, under the dynamic leadership of Prof Haripada Maiti, set up Apex Academy at Mahishadal fourteen years back with a noble dream to attach the humble, docile, and meritorious students of the placid countryside with the wide spectrum of the corporate world. The dream has been materialized to the fullest extent and Apex Academy is now a highly developed academic institution. It has become popular with the guardians because the school has four walls with tomorrow inside where children think, dream, believe, and achieve. The educational atmosphere is designed to bring the best out of every child. The school offers a holistic curriculum that develops all aspects of the growing child’s personality: the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual potential. Extra-curricular activities are given due importance here because they are very important in developing various talents of the students, whether in sports, music, art, drama, or leadership. I would urge all the guardians, teachers, staff, and management to support the institution wholeheartedly so that it can find a smooth passage to future success because the development of the locality will depend on the successful development of such institution. I do not doubt that Apex Academy will, one day, be ranked as one of the best institutions in the state.

Sri Ramesh Santra,
Secretary, Managing Committee, Apex Academy